ugh sch sucks
Thursday, September 28, 2006
ass week is in approximately 11 days, i am freaked as hell cuz my chem is currently in the sewer, along with my hcl and other random sciences. along with math. in fact, the only thing im super convinced i can pass right now is prolly...LA. and maybe IH. and possibly MA1103. not MA1102 though, ugh.
buffed my nails ytd. i feel marginally better. andy's birthday was ytd too. and since he is sick of people wishing him a happy birthday, heres to you having an unhappy birthday and falling down and breaking your nose! but i just saw him just now and his nose doesnt look broken. ohwells i cant curse people im way too nice for that.
i say randomly.
this space is meant to be blank?
(you falling for it yet? xD)
anyways, i digress. in school now, on shuyi's laptop. whose name is either Hairy or Harry, it goes both ways. couldnt bring kai cuz well todays thursday so theres not much time to use him. and strangely lots of people brought their laptops today. prolly cuz spire is due tomorrow so they are all chionging.
alrighty im kinda running out of things to say. ah yes, to other people in the level reading this, we are totally gonna pwn the drama competition kays! (i say with confidence cuz i wrote the script but yeah the idea is not mine.) and if we dont, not like it really matters cuz what we are supposed to do is have fun and rock out before ass week bites us in the ass. (ahaha pun!)
later, dearies.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
001.Real name: tiffany
002.Nickname: tiff/tyf/skye
003.Single or taken: single
004.Zodiac sign: horse (born before CNY)
005.Male or female: female
006.Elementary Sch: CHIJ (toa payoh), RGPS
007.Ipod: Zling Icy. not IPod.
008.How many buddies on your list: 172 (my current msn)
009.Friendster name: tiffany
010.Hair color: Brown
012.Hair long or short: Short
014.Eye color: brown
015.Are you a health freak: depends on whether its near nats or not xD
016.Height: 161cm.
017.Do you have a crush on someone: why dont you tell me first before i tell you? xD
018.Do you like yourself: Rather.
019.Braces: no.
020.Think you're awesome: darling, ele and Junyi pretty much established that i am the BENCHMARK OF AWESOME.
021.Piercings: ears.
022.Tattoo: no. unless you count temporary ones or ones that i draw on.
Your 'Firsts'
024.Surgery: never had one.
025.Piercings: ears. one on both ears during sec 1, and one more on the left at the end of sec 2.
026.Best Friend: Junyi!
027.Award: P2 math award GOLD. (haha look how loser ive become in math)
028.Sport you joined: canoeing <3
029.Pet: fish.
030.Vacation: malaysia when i was 6 months old.
031.Concert: kindergarten, i think.
032.Love: p3. (: it was sweet.
033.Movie: gosh i have no idea. american pie? eurotrip? black adder? monty python?
034.TV show: Grey's Anatomy pwns.
035.Color: silver
036.Music: uhh, depends on the mood. U2, maybe. SoCo?
039.Drink: hmm. i prefer juice.
040.Body part excluding face: my hair. xD
041.Cartoon: spongebob.
042.Piece of clothing: my shorts. my many many pairs of shorts!
043.Brand of clothing: adidas is the love.
044.Thing to sleep with: bolster, pillow, etc.
045.School: ahaha. i dont really know. its hard to say. prolly dhs?
046.Animal: i like hamsters. xD
048.Magazine: Cosmo. its hot yeah.
049.Im eating: nothing.
050.Im drinking: nothing.
052.Im about to: do my LA essay.
053.Listening to: city of blinding lights by U2 and honey and the moon by joseph arthur.
055.Waiting for: dad to go buy dinner/singapore idol to start so i can finally find out which of those two losers wins.
056.Watching: the comp screen?
057.Wearing: white shirt and boxers.
Your Future
058.Want Kids: i think i do, but im not sure about the pregnancy bit.
059.Want to get married: YES PLEASE I DONT WANNA DIE A VIRGIN.
060.Careers in mind: something that makes me happy to go to work everyday.
068.Lips or eyes: eyes.
069.Hugs or kisses: hugs.
070.Shorter or taller: taller.
072.Romantic or spontaneous: jeez how to choose. i want both. (:
073.Nice stomach or arms: as long as you dont have moobs or a beer belly i suppose thats fine.
074.Sensitive or loud: just as long as youre not too ah kwa or too rapper loud.
075.Hookup or relationship: depends on mood and setting. >:)
076.Sweet or caring: they pretty much mean the same thing. BOTH LA.
077.Troublemaker or hesitant: neither. i cannot stand it when guys are like that. annoys the royal crap out of me.
Have you ever
078.Kissed a stranger: nope.
079.Drank bubbles: yeah.
080.Lost glasses or contacts: nope. go me!
081.Ran away from home: nope im a good kid.
082.Broken a bone: nope.
083.Got an X-ray: yepp. it was interesting.
084.Broken someone's heart: i really wouldnt know. even if i did, the dudes dont tell me. its a guy thing.
086.Turned someone down: yeah.
087.Cried when someone died: yes.
088.Cried at school: yepp.
Do you believe in
089.God: yes.
090.Miracles: yes.
091.Love at first sight: i believe in LIKE at first sight, not love. its too strong an emotion to feel at just a simple glance.
093.Aliens: yes.
094.Magic: nope. everything is a trick.
095.Heaven: yes.
096.Santa Claus: nope.still hoping though. (:
097.Sex on the first date: i only believe in sex after marriage kthxbye. that would be a definite NO.
098.Kissing on the first date: only on the cheek. why rush?
099.Angels: yes.
Answer Truthfully
100.Is there someone you want to be with right now: boy, what a fun question. honestly, yes. i would love to be with so many people now actually. e.g. Junyi and the dhs mates. and others too. and well Junyi, some OTHERS TOO, if you get my drift. but yeah ill just settle for being here and doing my LA essay cuz if i dont, AK will kill me and hate me forever ahahaaa. gotta keep up my good rep in LA class, cuz its the only class i actually pwn in. (apart from PE, but that doesnt count.)
how fun. do my quiz, dearies! <3
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Gifted kids to take 'integrated' path
Loh Chee
IN TWO years' time, the much-debated Gifted Education Programme (GEP) will quietly fade away from secondary schools.In its place, the Ministry of Education (MOE) wants GEP students to join schools offering the six-year Integrated Programme (IP). This means that GEP students, who are identified in Primary 3, will no longer march to a different beat in secondary school. Instead, they will follow the same curriculum as other bright students who are picked for the IP when they are on the verge of leaving primary school.
In a circular issued on Monday, MOE informed the parents of GEP students in Primary 4 and 5 that it would no longer offer a centralised gifted programme at the secondary school level. The parents of the current batch of Pri 6 pupils were informed in April that they would be the last cohort to be offered the programme, MOE's deputy director of its Gifted Education Branch, Dr Tan Bee Geok, told Today.
There had been criticism that the 22-year-old GEP programme was "elitist". But Dr Tan stressed that the latest move was merely recognition of the fact that more secondary schools were now offering innovative programmes to develop talented students.
Dr Tan said: "We are just informing the parents in advance not to choose the O-level track. This group is so able that it doesn't need to take O levels. And most of the students which GEP schools would have taken in at the Sec 1 supplementary intake would now choose to enrol in the IP anyway."
Each year, some 500 students — or the top 1 per cent of each cohort — are selected in Primary Three to join the GEP. These students could go on to a centralised MOE programme in secondary schools.
But Dr Tan said that the landscape has changed since the IP – a six-year-programme that starts in Sec 1, with students skipping their O levels — was introduced in 2004. Then, four out of five "gifted" students picked this programme over the four-year GEP course, said the MOE. The number fell further this year, with only 13 students opting to stay in the GEP over the IP.
The IP, the new favourite, embraces some 2,000 students in 12 schools, including Raffles Institution, River Valley High, Dunman High and the National University of Singapore High School.
In contrast, only Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Dunman High and Nanyang Girls' High now offer MOE's GEP.
Noting that most of its former GEP secondary schools are now IP schools, the ministry said in the circular: "With such a small enrolment, it is not possible for the MOE to continue to run the secondary school GEP."
GEP students who wish to take their O levels can still do so in "schools with school-based special programmes that nurture pupils who have special aptitudes and talents", the circular said. Examples of these schools include ACS (Independent), St Joseph Institution, Methodist Girls' School and Catholic High School, said Dr Tan.
And although the GEP students would follow the same curriculum as other "very bright students", they would continue to be developed at these secondary schools, which would increase in number as Singapore creates a diverse education landscape, said she added.
Dunman High School principal Sng Chern Wei told Today that his school was looking to implement enrichment programmes which would allow both GEP students and non-GEP students "who are talented in some subjects" to work together.
Said Mr Sng: "It makes sense for the gifted children to opt for the IP because they can be exempted from the O levels and benefit from a more seamless process.
"The approach is definitely moving toward one where the gifted education model is realigned to provide more opportunities that will allow talented students who fall outside the GEP to benefit, and which will also allow our GEP students to have more opportunities to interact with students who come from a non-GEP background."friends. you have to agree with me on this. this is
heartbreak, pure and simple. just pain and everything lumped up into one and dropped on you all at once. GEP was everything, everything to me. and it still is. and it saddens me that one thing on my "wants" list, is something which will never ever materialise.
we were the last batch of dhs gepers with a full class. that officially makes us the last batch of geps, really. i mean, our p6 juniors have the option of taking GEP, but come on who will actually do that? i bet theyd all rather go to IP and become...IPed.
i miss GEP. i still do, and always will. its been a good 22 years folks. its also been a good 5 years in GEP. always a GEP at heart, dearies. AND ABOUT THE ELITIST CRAP, WELL SCREW YOU LADY. i mean, seriously. if youve seen how loser i am here, you wouldnt call me elitist. youd just call me someone who's different.
we won't just fade away". we will be forever.may the legacy live on, as long as all of you GEPs (and alumni) live.
blogging on kai now. in hcl class. feeling depressed about hcl. my and my gpa/hcl marks should totally have a meeting of the minds.
ugh this sucks . my hcl is just hopeless man. i cant read i cant write i cant understand ARGH I SHOULD JUST STAB MYSELF AND DIE KTHXBYE.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
kai's my darling. he is so hot and sexy. i talk to him everyday. i love him very very much. in fact, wherever i go, he goes with me! school, home, BED...
okay okay, before any of you start thinking weird (for those who DONT read regularly), kai is my
NEW LAPTOP okay. (: i love him muchly.
oh boo SPIRE calls anyways. and im bringing kai to school tomorrow. i was hugging him just now anyways. (:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
hmm nothing much to say. just these two things.
1337 spammer, for that huge barrage of hilarous spam you just posted on my blog.
in fact, here is the entire lot! for posterity's sake.
shiyuan>: SAY, SAY, SAY!!! DOUMO~~~ HAADO GAY DESU!!!
shiyuan>: ohhh anne hathaway isnt so bad.. i thought she was okay. julie andrews is shit awesome though. i mean, marry poppins AND maria?? SHE IS MY HERO.. INE. WHATEVER! >_>
shiyuan>: you know, kiwis possess a great secret
shiyuan>: the truth is, inside their furry, fruit-shaped bodies, they hide jam. yep. cut one open and spread him on bread, and voila! breakfast
shiyuan>: alternatively throw them at crocodiles. crocodiles are allergic to daisies. jam makes them lust for daisies. this chain of reactions makes the average croc lose his cool and blow up! <
shiyuan>: the moon is most solemnly NOT made of cheese, pluto was. the moon is actually made of scandinavian bagpipes. but there is no such thing as a scandinavian bagpipe! you say? well, where do you think they went? they couldn't have DISAPPEARED, could they?
shiyuan>: the being known as "mr ken" first appeared as a digimon off the coast of south island, NZ. it vanished for 67 years before reappearing as a small child with large eyes. every creature was addressed with a solemn question: "Where is your lit homework?"
shiyuan>: my math textbook's greatest desire is to perform the Magical Flute while dancing Swan Lake at the edge of a golden abyss known as TT Durai's legendary toilet. i tell it, "textbook, you are reaching Too High. One must be comfortable with one's station in " <
shiyuan>: "life! Your destiny is to help me not fail." therein the heartbroken thing went and committed suicide. That is why i did not do my math homework, ms koh.
i particularly like the last two. x)
anyways i got me a new LAPTOP. a fujitsu lifebook t series tablet pc (T4210), kthxbye. original price S$3988 but i got it at a cheaper price of more than $1000 less. i pwn, yes.

this was taken off the net, but its an EXACT PICTURE of what my sexy laptop looks like. the outside is black though. shiny black, and its name is Kai. although estella and i are beginning to call it a "him".
alrighty thats all. ahahaa.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
second post of today.
just thought i should blog about this very nice song. its called CITY OF BLINDING LIGHTS by U2. i feel its a truly heartbreaking song, not because of its lyrics or its relevance to my life or whatever, but mostly cuz of its tune and what it signifies.
there have only been TWO songs that made me feel like this. they are this one and the INTRO (just the intro) of Splender's I Think God Can Explain. of course Joseph Arthur's Honey and the Moon comes a close third, but its not as heartwrenching as this.
it appeared during The Devil Wears Prada, when a scene when Anne Hathaway's character goes to Paris, and it shows the runway and the models and et cetera, the sights and stuff of Paris.
&i was like OMFG PARIS.
okay for those who know me, you would prolly know that ive always wanted to go to Paris( honeymoon?). but when the song played, the tune during the chorus just completely killed me. as in it was just so so beautiful and the scenes were ultra nice and i was like MELTS in my bed. and it was just the majestic-ness and real-ness of the moment that took my breath away (as cheesy as that line sounded).
City of Blinding Lights. sounds like Paris. or Vegas. or one of those beautiful cities that you cant help but wanna stay there always. i imagined that i was there, and...the rest will stay in my imagination. suffice it to say that it was made out of countless formal events, the Eiffel Tower, blinding lights (haha the title!) and the overall quiet flashiness of the country (as contradicting as that sounds, i can find no words to describe it).
i want to go there. i want to BE there. i want to be enveloped by all these emotions and feelings and everything.
and honestly, thats all i wanted to say. (:
in my fifteen years of existence, i have realized one thing. this one thing has recently hit me during my teenage years (which would be from 13 onwards).
i have realized that i have horrible taste in men. or boys. or whatever. the male species, thats all.
i mean, ive gone through everyone whom ive liked over the past three years and most (if not all) are rather....seriously lacking in some areas or other. i dont see it at first of course (due to the fact that i am rather impulsive and go for what i want), but recently after some much needed reflection i have realized that.
i should just rid the world of me and my horrible taste in men and go drown or something, to avoid passing on my horrible genes to the future generation of young singaporeans.
but this could be a cloud with a silver lining. which means that if youre a boy and i fancy you, you thus know that youre horrible immediately! goodness i should just sell my services or something. =.= i seem to be able to draw parallels between myself and Dylan from Charlie's Angels (the one played by Drew Barrymore). SHE always falls for the bad guy.
...maybe i should turn bi. (but then my parents would freak)
anyways the exams are rolling round, so now not only do i have to contend with the stress that my horrible taste in men is giving me, i also have to deal with the stress that exams are giving me! oh boy this epiphany like thingamajig could not have come at a worse time!
i would wish upon a star,but that star, it doesnt shine.
Friday, September 15, 2006
HAHA koped this quiz off yuyun's blog. yay. i know this is like the 2nd post of today but i realize SOME PEOPLE love to read my blog cuz i update like almost everyday (koffandykoff) and they
find my life amusing. (direct quote too.)
here goes!
A: samc.
A: jason. who calls me when i dont reply smses. and puts down within a second. =.=
A: andy asking where i was, cuz i was very very late for OM training. whoopsies.
A: sometimes.
A: it would have been forbidden city, but now i have no darn idea.
A: awesome and hot.
A: my dinner.
A: "bye" to my brother. and also "your hair looks fine" to him too.
A: yeah. MY LOVELY SAMSOON. until it ended last nite, bah. and also grey's anatomy and other tv shows.
A: nope, heard of it though. i suppose mishra likes it.
A: nope.
A: haha im a player, dude. takes a real man to hold me down. x)
A: prolly to my bestest mates. (:
A: mugging for ass week. im sorry!
A: uhh yeah. usually its just tiff. but xiangyin calls me rachel. its a long story...
A: i believe in LIKE at first sight. but as for love, i really dont think so.
A: in my immediate family its me. in my mother's side, its still me. in my father's side, im one of the oldest and my 10 year old cousin is the youngest. oh the irony.
A: if youre talking about harmful drugs, yes. if youre talking about coffee, no. I MEAN LIKE TCC AND STARBUCKS IS THE WAY TO LIVE, MAN.
A: oh yes. you will not believe how heavy. i havent heard my alarm for the past two days.
A: depends on the place. if its a small space, sure. if its big like my ROOM, then no. ^_^;;
A: couple of years ago, trying out in the living room.
A: uhh the classroom on thursday morning before school started.
A: dude, no car.
A: i havent exactly watched any movies... >.<
1. Male friend: honestly, its hard to say.
2. Female friend: Junyi!
3. Vacation: Australia. all the time.
4. Day of the week: saturday.
5. Food: CARL JR'S.
6. Memory: 2k '05 gep always!
Last [Not counting family]
1. Person you saw: it would be my bro, but since it doesnt count family, id say the people on the road home?
2. Talked to on the phone: andy.
3. Hugged: charvi.
4. Person you texted: its either myst or andy.
1. Is: friday nite. thankfully.
2. Got any plans: harharhar. looking for scandalous details? NO no plans.
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: uhh apart from tuition everything's cool.
1. Number(s): 14
2. Song: Honey and the Moon by Joseph Arthur.
3. Color: silver. its shiny! why do i sound like Rikku...?
4. Season: uhh autumn. the trees are pretty and its cool enough.
1. Missing someone: more like someone-s, really. i miss more than one person. gender nonwithstanding.
2. Mood: Lady of Shalott-y.
True or False
I am a morning person: SO FALSE THAT IF IT WERE ANY FALSER ID HAVE DENTURES does that make sense?
I am a perfectionist: uhh no. does anybody give a shit?
I am an only child: nope. one older bro.
I am currently in my pajamas: nope, home clothes.
I am online 24/7: not really.
I am very shy around the opposite gender: er nope. haha refer to photos for proof.
I can be paranoid at times: yes. especially if i come home late from concerts alone.
I currently regret something that I have done: yes. like coming to njcip. :(
I enjoy talking on the phone: pretty much. (:
I have a lot to learn: yes. i do.
I have a secret: everyone's a walking talking House of Secrets. (refer to the graphic novel House of Secrets for details)
AHH WHAT A LONG QUIZ. oh yay mysti started singing to me again! on msn. yay me.
TGIF! hooray its finally friday! been waiting the whole damn week for this. its like nothing else to look forward to so yeah. at least my week was bearable despite the projects due. monday was shit as always, tues was forbidden city, wed was swimming and icecream and ytd was candy empire day and well today sucks baaaah.
and the class ate all my jellybeans! ahahaa. i like root beer and lemon lime flavour.
i feel like dying. today's math test was fine actually but its like...i think i'll get just a B instead of an A. im pissed. and apparently i was playing with yingshu's electronic dictionary thing which like almost all the scholars have and apparently IT HAS MY NAME ZOMGZ and well i appear to be some 19th century person. i hope i was hot. cuz well i didnt really understand wtf the thing was saying cuz the thing was in chinese (well duh its for china scholars to understand english but STILL.)
today's IH presentation was cool though, dressed up glam as a senator. charvi did too, so later on we took a photo! though it was hard cuz we're from different classes but still we got the photo so yay whee.
anyways im awfully bored and i think i shall go stab myself. *stabs*
what with SOME PEOPLE smsing me that they have NO SCHOOL today and what with that SAME PERSON smsing me for the past week at the earliest timings (like TEN. or TWELVE. in the MORNING!) saying that hes off school! no wonder im jealous. >:( i mean just cuz youre having exams and just cuz they end early.... i shall poke you on sunday.
anyways had OM training today, though our place is still doubtful cuz we need to compete with one other team to get in but yeah hope we do. thats all! bye~
to myst: i will give you back your costume when i see you next, dear. thats one thing bad about us being in different schools. and you having the all important A levels. still. IM STILL TRYING TO SAVE FOR GW BUT CANDY EMPIRE/STARBUCKS JUST ATE IT ALL UP SORRY!
whee candy!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
hello peeps! today was mostly uneventful cuz apart from me sleeping in class BEFORE school, nothing fun happened. uhh i got an A for my MI paper. does that count?
then after school (finally!), i headed over to city hall mrt to meet Junyi and we walked to CANDY EMPIRE which is at millenia walk which is opposite suntec city. (yes, IMF. big fat hairy deal.) we figured we should give them some business since what with the IMF, theyll prolly have like no one there. and plus i needed to stock up for tomorrow's HCL class. (:
when we got there, strangely there were about 3 other customers there too! see candy empire pwns. we bought chocolates and stuff. LOTS AND LOTS of chocolates. i really shouldnt complain that im getting fat cuz well I MADE IT THAT WAY xD.
my purchases: JELLYBEANS, 150g OF CHOCOLATES AND NERD ROPE. comes up to about 10 bucks or so.
Junyi's purchases: A LOT MORE CHOCOLATE THAN ME, kingkong sized cookie dough kit kat. comes up to about 9 bucks.
her kitkat cost $2.50. my jellybeans and nerd rope combined cost $5.50. how much more did her chocolates cost? xD
then we headed to starbucks and blew more cash. ate nerd rope and got sugar high. was surrounded by a bunch of official looking foreign people. IMF delegates? ahahaa.
my orange nerd popped off my nerd rope and rolled into the neighbouring shop of samsonite where it lay at the door. so embarrassing. i say randomly.
love you Junyi, thanks for today! <3
forbidden city
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
well well. last night's forbidden city was pretty nice, for a local production. kit chan cracked on a few high notes but otherwise the siging was pretty good. anyways, i met sherlene at 630pm at city hall. glammed like crazy, on the scale of colours awards glam, maybe even MORE GLAM than that cuz at colours i wore earth tones but ytd i wore a black top and dark red skirt with a slit up to HERE. hot. (got a few stares on the mrt. uhh.) after that, walked to the mrt with sherlene leejing grace leo. then later on somehow all of them take the green line but leo, so me and leo headed to the red line. chatted a bit. he was wearing a long sleeved pink shirt ahaha.
so fun. x) anyways the play was good, and a bunch of other people went. bandana and sneha both looked super glam too. (:
then today was swimming, jumped on the board with sharon again, letting out another super unglam shriek as i tumbled into the water with a huge PIACK. and uhh this time it was way more public cuz we were the first class let off so everyone else was still swimming. ahaha!
then after school, hung around for IH and SPIRE before going for ice cream with charvi and wenloong at island creamery. place suggested by me after a recommendation from ryan. its quite leet. (: but the seating isnt very good though, and the noise level is quite loud. although yes, the waitresses are hot and the noise level means you can scream all you want and no one will actually care. x)
grah, IH due tmr and SPIRE due on friday. math test on friday too. give me something to look forward to, please. anything. ugh what a boring life. =.=
and and and during LA today, my group wrote something which had implied sex in it and miss koh refused to let us read it to the class! i mean, we were the only group, practically, to write something that didnt conform to the story and she wouldnt let us read it! although she was laughing when she herself read it but still. i mean the creativity! and plus uhh it was only implied sex, we didnt even make the characters do anything. the story ended with them crumpling on the grass. (it was supposed to be a story with literary devices in it based off this other story she had read to us)
uhh i just remembered. it was a GAY story. heh heh. thats prolly the reason why. Junyi would be proud. originally i wanted a story which was kind of subaru/seishirou (from x/1999), like of i-hate-you-to-bits-but-then-again-i-think-i-love-you, based off their final showdown at the Rainbow Bridge, but then amanda suggested a gay brokeback mountain-esque story and we all agreed on it so i wrote it and lala now nush says ive no moral values/am morally bankrupt/etc.
AHAHA though. and btw, the picture below is one of the long awaited colours award pics. thats pam, samarth, me and andy. lol two 01 people and two 03 people. coolio. bwahahah! okay off i go now, got IH to do. bye~

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
the Sexy and Demure Tiffany of Genevieve-city would like to sue the government for bringing IP into existence and hereby ruining her life. failing which, she will migrate.
thank you.
anyways tonight's forbidden city. should be fun, huh.
(and the hell?! how the heck did i become so famous.) <-- referring to some other stuff in school. ask me online if you wanna know. although i may not tell you if i dont like you bwahahah.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
im muchly happy. although the threat of school hangs threateningly over my head, but SCREW ALL THAT IM HAPPY NOW GO AWAY EVIL SCHOOL. *throws rock*
okay just got a new shirt, with cute words on it. ahaha, im such a loud person. a very LOUD, IN YOUR FACE kinda person and boy im loving it. i simply love being me. (: oh yay yay.
anyways today afternoon was nice. after tuition the 'rents brought me shopping and ehh mysti dearest and jason kept my fingers busy smsing. i love communicating with ze outside world!
anyways finally dl-ed sexyback by justin timberlake and UHH ITS DEAD FUNNY.
see these shackles baby, im your can whip me if i misbehaaaaaave... awesome funny.
also got an NSYNC song, after hearing it in the adidas shop. ^_^;; oh yay loving life, i wish monday would never come boo boo boo but no matter tmr is sunday yay! to church we go. (: gotta keep things in perspective though, we go to church for God right? x)
my thanks to ryan for the song and to kyser/andy for finally giving me church camp/colours award pics.
i drive myself crazywanting you the way that i do.
Friday, September 08, 2006
an excerpt from a convo between Junyi and i.
[Death*] -shakedown 1979- --&apparently my body fat has dropped from 14% to 11%. i worry, slightly. says:
stupid lazy fatass boys
[Dream] Fifteen's a lifetime. says:
[Dream] Fifteen's a lifetime. says:
[Death*] -shakedown 1979- --&apparently my body fat has dropped from 14% to 11%. i worry, slightly. says:
boots them all
[Dream] Fifteen's a lifetime. says:
Do you want to bite them with ketchup, mayo or chilli?
[Death*] -shakedown 1979- --&apparently my body fat has dropped from 14% to 11%. i worry, slightly. says:
ill just roast them over a fire
[Dream] Fifteen's a lifetime. says:
[Dream] Fifteen's a lifetime. says:
Roast boy!
[Dream] Fifteen's a lifetime. says:
[Dream] Fifteen's a lifetime. says:
I like mine with Chilli.
convo topic: mourn the weirdness of the species known as MANkind.
Disclaimer: no actual boys were harmed in the making of this convo. (no offense meant if youre a boy visiting here either)
i am happy
i am very happy. let me list the ways. firstly i went to tcc ytd with mom and the colleagues (whom i actually know) and it was awesomely awesome. im beginning to like coffee more and more! (:
and also i ahev discovered that even with cake, without trng, and with alphabet soup/self microwaved chicken drumlets etc...I HAVE STILL NOT GAINED ANY WEIGHT. in fact, my waist has dropped another quarter inch and my body fat has dropped from the previous 14% to 11%. this is crazy man. at this rate, ill never reach 50kg and thank goodness for that too.
i shall start counting my blessings more and more. i mean, tons of people wanna be thin and i am without even trying. so i think i should just thank God for what ive got instead of wanting more. (:
yay. i say randomly.
lets go tcc, baby!
song list quiz
Turn on Windows Media Player/Winamp/whatever you use for MP3s and put it in shuffle mode. For every question, press 'next song'.Enter title to answer the question.
1. How does the world see me?
All in All by Lifehouse
i suppose thats positive. i.e. ive had a screwed life but everything's gonna be fine yeah! =.=
2. Will I have a happy life?
Shine by Vanessa Amorosi
wow i'll shine! or at least, everyone is telling me to. i suppose thats...good?
3. What do my friends really think of me?
Stay by Lisa Loeb
i really dont think thats very positive. its a song more for lovers anyways.
4. Do people secretly lust after me?
I Want Candy by Aaron Carter.
uhh i havent listened to this in YEARS. its uhh bouncy. i suppose that would be a...yes?
5. How can you be happy?
Pump It By Black Eyed Peas.
6. What should I do with my life?
Taste The Blood from the Devil May Cry 3 soundtrack
uhh. go out and kill devils? =.= interesting song, though.
to take me out you must fight like a man~ SEE THE MIRROR YOU SEE A FOOLLLL.7. Why must life be so full of pain?
Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry, from the A Lot Like Love soundtrack
cuz people leave. 'nuff said.
8. Will I ever have children?
2 become 1 by Spice Girls.
Oh goodness, i presume that would be a yes?
9. Will I die happy?
Lovefool by The Cardigans.
i will die lovesick. not good. boo.
10. What is some good advice for me?
Mr Brightside by the Killers
erm. dont be jealous? either that or remain virginal all my life. uhh.
11. What is happiness?
Hands Down by Dashboard Confessionals
getting kissed by someone who means it? i suppose that is so, but why do i have all these soppy love songs in my playlist. it can get rather depressing at times. ;_; i treat this rather favourably though haha.
12. What's my favourite fetish?
I'll be The One by Backstreet Boys
13. How will I be remembered?
At The Beginning from the Anastasia soundtrack.
this could be good. ill go out and get some hot guy and marry that hot guy and be rich and famous? ahahaa.
14. What is your love life like?
Someday We'll Know by Mandy Moore and Jonathan Foreman, from A Walk To Remember soundtrack.
this is not good! i will die early! but at least i will be loved. (: but then again i will be parted from the oen i love. uhh this song is just sad man. ;_;
15. What's your life motto?
Somebody Told Me by the Killers.
ive a boyfriend who looks like a girlfriend? UHH.
16. What do your parents think of you?
Leaving on a Jet Plane.
okay either my parents or i am leaving for another country. =.=
17. What's your favorite hobby?
Semi Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind
SCREWING PEOPLE?! gosh, this song is practically about sex as it is.
18. What does your best friend really think of you?
High by Lighthouse Family.
thats nice. x) yay something favourable as it is! ONE DAY WE'RE GONNA GET SO HIGHHHH.
19. What's the worst thing about you?
Live and Learn by the Cardigans from the Grey's Anatomy soundtrack
HOW APT! I DONT EVER LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES UGH UGH UGH >.< (especially when it comes to Boys.)
20. Describe your mind
Walk On by U2.
gosh i love this song. haha this is good i guess. i feel happy. (:
21. How will you die?
Crazy in Love by Beyonce and Jay Z
22. How does your crush feel about you?
Back Here by Bbmak
23. What is your wedding going to be like?
Konstantine by Something Corporate
sweet song, but not very good for a honeymoon >.<
24. What about your honeymoon?
Friday I'm in Love by the Cure
come on boy, JUST friday?! ahahaaa.
25. Describe the last day of your life
Just the Girl by Click Five
aww thats sweet. but on the last day of my life...uhh.
26. Why does life suck?
A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton
because we've to walk ages to get to the one we love?
27. Why does life rule?
HAHAHAA I SHALL JUST PASS OUT AND DIE. (life is awesome cuz of all...the...nevermind.) hit the lyrics and youll see why haha.
28. What will you be famous for?
Answer the Phone by Sugar Ray
answer the phone, i know that youre home, i wanna get you alone and do it again, do it again? >.<''
29. What's the craziest thing you'll ever do?
1000 no Kotoba by Koda Kumi.
hmmm, the song is from FFX-2, so i shall take that the craziest thing im gonna do is hark off on some trip to find my dear lover who supposedly died and got chucked into the Farplane. uhh. either that, or since Lenne sang this song, i will die in the arms of my lover in front of a FIRING SQUAD cuz he the idiot tried to rouse Vegnagun to blast the crap of Spira open to save me?!
30. Will you achieve your goals?
Heaven by DJ Sammy
31. What will your future job be like?
Amazed by Lonestar
amazing! ahahaaa.
32. And your party life?
Champagne Supernova!
33. Overall, will you be happy?
Into the Fire, by Thirteen Senses from the Grey's Anatomy soundtrack
i will be...oh gosh i have no idea.
34. Or will you just deal with it?
If I Die by Something Corporate
...i think id deal with it. ahaha.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
DESIRE TAKES ON NEW HEIGHTS. i am starving myself for the wanting of guild wars! (the whole set with Factions and all costs like 131 bucks?) *cries*
have just polished off remains of marble cake. i sense fatness. i simply must start doing self training. sitting here blogging due to my alphabet soup refusing to come out of its can. put it upside down in the pot and am sitting here hoping that gravity will take its toll on that stubborn thing. ^_^
nothing much is going on, bah. apart from the need to study, and me getting rather hungry. I NEED FOOD. CRIES. ughh im seriously going to gain weight. weighed myself yesterday and i dont seem to have gained any BUT MY HOUSE WEIGHING SCALE LIES as my brother well knows. hes been bugging the parents to get a new one as he is running the standard chartered marathon at the end of the year and needs to monitor weight.
but the parents refuse to get one as they worry he will get too obsessed over his weight. hahaa! hmm him running the marathon is good as we get 20% off all adidas running apparel and stuff. went shopping last weekend and got myself a nice new adidas tracksuit. originally wanted just the jacket but it didnt come just like that. money mongers. but its really nice LOL.
ughh im really hungry. think id better go check if gravity really has worked on the darn can. i seriously need some food fast or ill like die or whatever.
(in retrospect, i think too much cake is bad for you >.< heh.)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
haha mysti has been singing to me recently! over msn mic of course. its very awesome and im muchly happy about it. (: i love it when people sing to me, really!
whee did spire today. feels accomplished, rather.
and ZOMGZ my hp bill started its new month recently and already im in danger of the red light flashing! cuz of one Life of Lameness koffkoff. was like *whew* when you CAME ONLINE at estella's house, because that meant that i neednt waste my bill. ;_; youre one interesting person to talk to. as in, uhh i cant believe ive known you for like coming to FOUR YEARS and we never really talked. guess the number swapping edwin made us do was good huh. ahahaa.
and thanks to everyone who tagged! especially to one Mr Andy who often visits but never tags. i mean, FINALLY YOU TAG. ahahaa, and you havent been online dude. dead?
and darn i need to return mysti her outfit. and uhh I LOVE YOU JUNYI. (because. ahahaa)
hmm Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs is really good. as gill said, "theyre the epitome of indie music".
...theyre really into repetition. i mean REALLY.
wait.they dont love you like i love youwait.they dont love you like i love youmaps.....wait.they don't love you like i love you.yeah. like that. really really repetitive. but i like it. much like broken social scene. whoot.
uhh feeling happy, i dont know why. i mean, yeah. need to mug bio and math though. bye~
new spire
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
just saying. (:
&then we'll quietly grow old, the saddest story ever told.
lol mee siam mai hum
okay finally i get the whole mee siam mai hum thing. shows how horribly OUTDATED I AM. i should like totally stab myself or something.
mai hum mai hum mai hum~
okay im done with spire photos hooray! very sleepy now >.< siiiigh, I LOVE THAT FRENCHY GUY'S VOICE KAYS. shoutout to Junyi who sent me: Notre Dame de Paris - Le Temps Des Cathedrales. with a funny frenchy twitch thing on the first e. zomgz hot frenchy.
&youre bad news, i dont care i like you, i like you. (:
45 mins
Monday, September 04, 2006
45 mins til i can sms again. i can sense tomorrow i am going to get a barrage of smses from...yeah. ahahaa bugger.
my new favourite past-time: niaoing andy on msn.
damn fun. x) but i shall not elaborate! but ahh i feel that there is so much more to life than mugging and CCA, and boy oh boy am i seeing it now. i shall get a job after exams. you know, get some income in while the holidays are there. something with flexible working hours. maybe i can go source with chia.
hrrm. im bored now. is grey's anatomy on?
swimming today, did 22 laps and died. i am getting fat. must be that whole half of marble cake i chomped down last night. at least the guy let us jump on the board whee.
anyways after that chomped down my brekkie and headed to school for chem and bio makeup lessons. uhh chem was just chem. but bio was leet! we dissected a pig's heart and it was happily bloody and stuff. im totally deadly with a scapel man. and i was waving my bloody rubber gloves at people. bwahahahaa. and cheryl i want the funky pic kays! of the heart shape i carved out of the pig's heart. ahahaa. if i was a sciencey person, id totally go into forensics.
okays then headed to bishan library to catch up on times with dearest chia. met liz and the two maris boys that they were with too. it was cool. (: then liz went off and left us alone, and so chia and i headed to mos burger to chill. had soup and a drink. hahaa. then we gossiped and talked for like two hours. or two and a half hours. round there la. it was good to catch up with my dear old friend. learnt lots of nice new news.
man chia and i should totally go out and have some fun after exams. and by FUN, i know. (: ahahahaaa! just doll up and whoosh! (im loving it already)
what can i say? im single and loving it. ^_^ <-- ZOMGZ ADVERTISEMENT.
ok maybe not an advertisement. but awesome nonetheless!!!! its just fun to hang out and let loose and chilllll. woot. and i totally need money now. i think after exams i shall get a job so i can pay for my game and book addiction. I WANT GUILD WARS GRAH.
life is good thus far. im loving it so bad.
Friday, September 01, 2006
TEACHERS' DAY! AHHHHHH! it was super leet, and not cuz of the celebrations in njc either. booyaka.
okok can i just skip everythingt hat happened in njc and just cut to the chase cuz it was shitass boring anyways. all we did was sit through a couple of performances and eat. now today ive a sore throat, no thanks to the load of doritos, pizza and lack of WATER. wtffff.
anyways i dressed in mysti's Tifa outfit, and a bunch of us dumanians cabbed over to dhs cuz we got too darn tired of waiting for the %#$&ing bus which took ages. i mean, seriously.
okay we got to dhs fine, sat through the end of celebrations, met WYNNE, ELE, CHIA, SY, JUNYI, GEN, and the rest of 2k 05! i even spammed the cards they were giving their teachers, but only the ones i knew of course. whee.
and uhh chia keeps on saying im getting prettier. =_= ahahaaaa. (:
anyways then we just farted around, squished a couple of seniors (mysti!), lalalaaa.. and uhh david wants to cosplay vincent? which is really really bad cuz i love vincent valentine to bits and pieces and if anyone's ever seen david, there is toitally no resemblance at all. >.< sca-ree.
anyways then des, adie and deany got called by that stupid mike and got asked to go back to shps so they were like FINE okay and then they finally went so that left me, Junyi, sy and gen. cuz wynne ran off, chia went out with the ballers and ele went skating with the other alan (meaning not the one on my links. the OTHER one). uhh cuz we know three alans, see. so we often need to specify which is which. ahahaa.
okay then we headed over to orchard, ate at mos burger and caught up on the times. then we met BEE, and then i squished her and then she went off. ahahaa. then we went to kino (yay!), and impulse bought books. the only one of us who was actually looking for something was Junyi, and even she impulse bought a book. sy and i bought books too, gen didnt though. booo.
uhh apparently for sy and i, it was actually fine to impulse buy our books cuz well they turned out fine! but uhh for Junyi out of her two books, the one she impulse bought...didnt turn out so fine. looking at the title, one would think its a good story. looking at the blurb, one would think it was a good book. (yes all of us thought it was fine)
then, at McDonald's... (cuz we went there to buy drinks and chat. dont kill me, canoeists!)
sy insisted to open the book. so Junyi did.
sy *reads*: o.O -passes to Junyi-
Junyi *reads*: OMFG! -gen grabs it-
gen *reads*: O_O -i grab it-
me *reads*: ZOMG.
yeah the idea is there. uhh suffice it to say that it was really. REALLY. bad porn. in book form. yes even worse than some fanfiction writers. i could even go so far as to say it was worse than TOBIAS FONG. i wouldnt know of the opinion of wynne, mysti and Junyi though (since theyve gone through the horror of tobias fong too) but yeah thats my opinion.
and uhh the book's title actually looked quite fine too. with the words "best stories" there, who wouldnt think so? and NO it was not meant to be a pervy book! seriously.
so Junyi dearie, dont impulse buy books like that kays. ahahaa. thankfully both my books were gotten with the clear recommendation of my friends. i got FAKE volume 1, recommended by SY, and its really really good. i also got SQ21: Singapore Queers in the 21st Century, recommended by Junyi, and sy also bought it too and YES ITS REALLY GOOD. so in other words, Junyi sy and i bought up the LAST THREE COPIES OF SQ21 IN KINO. seriously!
us: *grabs book, walks away*
receptionist *to friend*: hey you know these are the LAST TWO COPIES in here?
then sy grabbed one, and lastly me. so we just bought up all the stocks. at almost the same time. BWAHAHAHAAA. fyi, the book cost 23 bucks, and FAKE cost 17 bucks. but since we had ten percent off for everything, it was actually slightly cheaper.
and yay we chatted about lots of stuff that still makes me happy til now. i mean, how many people go to KINO to hang out? bet others would rather go shopping or sth. i feel really happy whenever i buy a book though. (:
and about the impulse buy, Junyi was ready to kill herself over wasting 24 bucks over such tripe. but then sy found a better use for it, and uhh so Junyi is gonna keep it til that better use comes up. otherwise she prolly wouldve burnt it/torn it up/threw it away/left it at McDonald's etc etc. yeah. (:
but seriously FAKE is really good. they dont have it in chuangyi though, if you see the blurb youll prolly know why. but its good. really!
yay teachers' day!